What to Know Before Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery can dramatically improve your look and take years off of your face. Eyelid surgery can repair droopy eyelids and transform your overall aesthetic. Below you will find more information on what to know before eyelid surgery so you are fully prepared for the procedure.

What to Know Before Eyelid Surgery

Because collagen and elastin begin to deplete around your late 20s, eyelid sagging is completely normal. However, it can make you look much older and even impact your vision in some cases. Poor lifestyle habits can exacerbate the issue of sagging skin, so it’s important to focus on a healthy lifestyle to reduce the impact.

Eyelid surgery, also referred to as blepharoplasty, treats droopy eyelids. The procedure involves the removal of excess skin, muscle, and fat that has caused your eyelids to sag. This can help improve the look of your eyes by making them appear firm, smooth, and tightened. Eyelid surgery provides great results and patients often report an increase in self-confidence.

What to Do Before Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery in the Inland Empire can improve your overall look. Before you get eyelid surgery, there are a few things to know that can help prepare you for the procedure.

Research in Advance:

Finding the right surgeon for your eyelid surgery is the most important decision you can make. Finding a board-certified surgeon skilled in upper eyelid surgery in the Inland Empire is necessary to ensure that you are happy with the outcome. Consider at least three surgeons and schedule a consultation with each. This can help you determine which one is right for you.

Prepare for Your Consultation:

Be prepared to ask questions at the consultation. Share your expectations and let your surgeon know about any unique aspects about your personal health. Not only can this appointment help determine if you are good candidate for the procedure, but you can also get a better idea of what is to come in terms of the procedure, recovery process, and results.

Plan for Recovery:

Because you will be out of commission for at least two weeks, plan your recovery period ahead of time. Stock your home with food and prepare your space for recovery. Clear your calendar and ask for help with any daily tasks that have to get done during the first couple of weeks. You’ll also need to rest your eyes so it’s important to figure out how you will pass the time. You can catch up on some well-needed rest and even download some audiobooks to pass the time.

Recovery Process:

The best way to ensure your results turn out the way you want is to focus on your recovery process. It’s vital to rest the first few days after your procedure. You’ll notice some swelling, bruising, and pain which is completely normal. Those symptoms should subside within just a couple of weeks. You should be able to get back to your daily routine within two weeks, but you may need to hold off on heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for at least one month. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s recovery instructions to ensure optimal results.

Patience is Key:

When it comes to your results, patience is key. This is because it can take 4 to 6 weeks to see most of your results. Focusing on your recovery can ensure your expected results.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

If you are unhappy with the look of your eyes, contact InFocus Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery. They are skilled in upper eyelid surgery and have helped countless patients achieve their desired aesthetic. Contact the Inland Empire eyelid surgery center today for a consultation!