Can You Have Multiple Eyelid Surgeries?

One of the negative impacts of natural aging is the changes that occur on your eyes. Because the skin is thinner and more susceptible to fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging, the area around your eyes can become aged faster. Eyelid surgery is a great way to treat these issues. In some cases, eyelid surgery may not fully correct the issue. With that, it’s possible that you can have multiple eyelid surgeries. Below you will find more information on eyelid surgery and eyelid revision surgery.

Eyelid Surgery and Possible Issues

The need for an eyelid revision is due to an issue with the first eyelid surgery. There are a variety of reasons you may need a revision. However, the most common issue is a failure on the part of the surgeon to make the proper incision. This is due to inexperience which is why the surgeon you choose should be highly experienced in the procedure. The effect of an improper incision is a droopy appearance on the eyelid. This is often the exact issue eyelid surgery treats so the problem essentially remains despite you having the surgery.

In addition to issues with the incision, some surgeons fail to remove the necessary amount of upper eyelid skin. This will result in an eyelid that still looks saggy. Experienced surgeons understand the difference between taking too much skin and not enough. Lastly, a heavy upper eyelid can also contribute to sagging. Eyelid surgery cannot address this issue, so having a surgeon that understands the root cause of your eyelid issues is important. If the cause is due to a heavy brow, a brow lift will be much more effective. Despite the inconvenience of multiple surgeries, there is no cap on how many eyelid surgeries you can get. However, it is best to address the issue correctly the first time to avoid unnecessary procedures.

Can You Have Multiple Eyelid Surgeries?

No matter the cause for your aging eye, sagging eyelids can cause you to look much older than you are. Eyelid surgery can take years off of your face. It can also drastically impact your vision as the skin overhang can impact how much you see. Despite the benefits of the procedure, in some cases eyelid revision surgery is necessary. It will not be unclear whether you need revision surgery as it will be obvious.

Consulting with a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon is the first step for your eyelid revision in the Inland Empire. Having someone with the required credentials and expertise is vital as your eyelids and the surrounding area contain tissue that is highly sensitive and requires special attention. The procedure itself involves undoing the damage or issue from the previous procedure and essentially redoing it to ensure the results meet the goals.

When you meet with the oculofacial plastic surgeon it is very important to discuss your expectations with them. It can also be helpful to share what your expectations were for the original procedure. This information can guide the surgeon and help ensure your expectations are understood and achieved as closely as medically possible. Just like all surgeries, complications can occur so it’s important to discuss all of this at the consultation.

Inland Empire Eyelid Specialists

If you are unhappy with a prior eyelid surgery and are considering a revision, contact Dr. Joseph and his team of experts at Infocus Ophthalmic Eye Surgery. Dr. Joseph is a highly experienced and well-known oculofacial plastic surgeon that specializes in cosmetic eyelid surgery and non-surgical cosmetic treatments, including eyelid revision surgery. Contact the top Inland Empire eyelid specialists today for a consultation!