Eyelid Surgery Myths

Eyelid surgery is an effective treatment that can take years off of your face. The procedure is often cosmetic, but can also be reconstructive as it may be necessary in some cases. For example, those whose vision is impacted by drooping eyelids or who have had a trauma to their eye. Despite the straightforward nature of the procedure, there are a number of misconceptions about eyelid surgery. Below you will find the most common eyelid surgery myths and the actual facts related to the procedure.

Eyelid Surgery Myths

Eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures. It provides effective results and can transform your look. Consider the following debunked myths and the facts around eyelid surgery.

Myth–Eyelid Surgery Causes Noticeable Scars:

Eyelid surgery does not cause noticeable scarring. A skilled surgeon can strategically place the incisions in areas that will not result in visible scarring. Due to the nature of your eyelid, scarring is minimal due to the placement of the incisions. Upper eyelid surgery in Inland Empire involves an incision in the natural folds of your eyelids. Lower eyelid surgery involves incisions in the lash line (if excess skin is removed) or inside the eyelid (if skin removal isn’t necessary). Finding a skilled surgeon who has experience performing eyelid surgery can help ensure minimal scarring, if at all.

Myth–Eyelid Surgery Doesn’t Reduce Dark Circles:

Lower eyelid surgery can address and reduce the appearance of dark circles. Dark circles prove a common cosmetic concern that can end up improved by lower eyelid surgery. A skilled surgeon can reposition the fat under your eyelid to strategically cover the dark areas under your eyes.

Myth–Chronic Dry Eyes Are A Common Side Effect Post-Procedure:

Dry eyes are not a common side effect after eyelid surgery. In fact, the risk of developing chronic dry eye post-procedure is extremely low. Chronic dry eye after eyelid surgery is often caused by inexperienced surgeons who remove too much skin during the procedure. Still, this is why it is important to find a skilled surgeon as they can ensure that you have minimal side effects after eyelid surgery.

Myth–Eyelid Surgery Completely Removes Crow’s Feet:

Eyelid surgery in Inland Empire can smooth out and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes. However, eyelid surgery cannot completely remove crow’s feet. Crow’s feet are dynamic wrinkles caused by repeated muscle movements, e.g., squinting. Combining eyelid surgery with Botox is highly effective in addressing all of the issues impacting your eyes.

Myth–The Recovery Period Is Extensive:

Compared to other cosmetic procedures, the recovery period for eyelid surgery is relatively short. In fact, after the procedure you can often go home the same day. The first few days require rest as you may experience some swelling and pain. These symptoms should subside within the first one to two weeks and you should be able to comfortably go out in public within two weeks. Your surgeon will provide you with post-surgery instructions. It’s important to strictly adhere to those instructions and attend all follow-up appointments.

Eyelid Surgery in Inland Empire

Eyelid surgery can improve your appearance and improve your self-confidence. The first step in moving forward with getting eyelid surgery is scheduling a consultation. Still, it’s important to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. This is also where you should share your expectations with the surgeon. This can help the surgeon manage your expectations and determine if you should combine eyelid surgery with another surgery or treatment to achieve your desired aesthetic.

If you have interest in eyelid surgery, contact Dr. Joseph at InFocus Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery. His skill and experience in eyelid surgery has made him a leading oculofacial plastic surgeon. Contact Dr. Joseph and his team for a consultation today!