The Growing Popularity of Eyelid Surgery

The demand for eyelid surgery, also referred to as “blepharoplasty,” has been steadily increasing over the last few years. The cosmetic procedure dramatically improves the appearance of your eyelids and can take years off your face. Both men and women benefit from the procedure as it removes the excess skin, fat, and muscle that can weigh down your brow. Below you will find the benefits of the procedure and information on the growing popularity of eyelid surgery.

The Growing Popularity of Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery has become increasingly popular due to the benefits of the procedure. The natural aging process can have a serious impact on the area around your eyes. This includes skin sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles. Aging skin becomes looser and thinner which can age you. The natural aging process begins in your late 20s and early 30s as that is when collagen production decreases. The role that collagen and elastin play in your skin is crucial as they help keep it tight, voluminous, and elastic. In addition to the natural aging process, environmental factors and poor lifestyle habits can also impact your skin.

This is why eyelid surgery has become increasingly popular. The procedure removes the excess skin, fat, and muscle from your upper eyelid. This helps reduce the heaviness in your brow, tightens the skin around your eyes, and also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also results in a more awake appearance which can make you look much more youthful. Because eyelid surgery can take years off of your face, many men and women opt to get the procedure.

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

In addition to the aesthetic improvements eyelid surgery can provide, there are additional benefits that make the procedure highly popular. Consider the following benefits if you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyes.

Minimal Scarring:

A skilled eyelid surgeon in Inland Empire understands the complexities of the eye structure. With that, they strategically place the incisions around your eye to minimize the appearance of scarring. The natural and subtle results leave you looking years younger without any visible scarring.

Alleviates Discomfort:

A heavy brow, excess skin and fat, and loose muscles around the eyes can be uncomfortable. Many people experience discomfort due to the pressure it can put on your eye. Eyelid surgery can remove heaviness and alleviate any discomfort.

Improved Confidence:

If you are unhappy with your appearance it can severely impact your self-confidence. Looking your best is important for you to feel your best. This is why eyelid surgery is so successful as patients report an increase in self-confidence due to the results.

Lasting Results:

The results of eyelid surgery are long-lasting. As long as you follow your surgeon’s instructions, live a healthy lifestyle, and take care of your skin, your results can last up to a decade. Talk with your surgeon about non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can ensure the longevity of your results.

Complementary Procedures:

Eyelid surgery can be easily combined with other procedures to maximize your results. In fact, patients often combine upper eyelid surgery in Inland Empire with a brow lift or lower blepharoplasty. Additionally, patients often combine non-surgical treatment with eyelid surgery to maximize and maintain the results. Common non-surgical treatments include Botox and dermal fillers.

Upper Eyelid Surgery in Inland Empire

The first step in moving forward with eyelid surgery is setting up a consultation with a skilled and experienced surgeon. They can help determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure and create a treatment plan based on your aesthetic goals. The team at Raleigh Eye and Face are skilled in eyelid surgery and have helped countless patients restore their youthful appearance. Contact their team today to schedule a consultation!