Risk Factors of Drooping Eyelids

Droopy eyelids, also referred to as “ptosis,” occur when your upper eyelids lose their natural tightness and elasticity and hang over your eye. There are a wide variety of causes including genetics, age, trauma, poor lifestyle habits, and certain medical disorders. The condition can impact one (unilateral ptosis) or both (bilateral ptosis) of your eyelids. Depending on the cause, the condition may be temporary or permanent. Below you will find more information on the risk factors of drooping eyelids.

Risk Factors of Drooping Eyelids

While there are various causes of ptosis, the following factors may place you at a higher risk for the condition.

  • Certain Medical Conditions: Horner’s syndrome and myasthenia gravis are both risk factors for ptosis. Talk with your medical provider about your concerns if you have either of these conditions.
  • Previous Eye Surgeries: LASIK and cataract surgery can cause ptosis. This is often due to the muscle or tendon in your upper eye being stretched during the procedure.
  • Serious Medical Conditions: In some cases, serious medical conditions can cause ptosis. Conditions such as a stroke, cancer, or a brain tumor have all been linked to ptosis.
  • Eye Rubbing: Rubbing your eye excessively can lead to issues with eyelid drooping. This proves because excessive rubbing can weaken the muscles and tendons around your eyes. This worsens from age as your skin will lose its elasticity and tightness as well.
  • Age: Due to the effects of natural aging eyelid drooping can occur. As you age, the collagen and elastin found in your skin deplete. The skin around your eyes is much thinner and more sensitive than other parts of your body. Because of this, the impacts of natural aging will affect your eyes more, including eyelid drooping.

Treatment for Droopy Eyelids

Ptosis surgery in the Inland Empire is the most effective treatment option to address droopy eyelids. The first step in moving forward with the procedure is a consultation. The consultation is a great time to address your concerns and ask any questions. The surgeon can help prepare you for surgery, discuss the procedure itself, and inform you about the recovery process.

The procedure involves local anesthesia and takes roughly thirty minutes to an hour to complete. We will discuss the type of anesthetic at your consultation. So you will end up prepared for the day of surgery. It may different from person to person depending on their unique medical needs. Once you are provided anesthesia, a small incision is made in order to ensure minimal scarring. Once the incision has been made the surgeon can remove the excess tissue and fat from your eye. Sutures are used to close the incision after the skin and fat have been removed. The recovery process takes roughly two weeks and is integral to the outcome of your procedure. Focus on resting and follow your surgeon’s post-surgery instructions for optimal recovery.

Inland Empire Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid sagging caused by aging can make you look older and feel less confident about your appearance. In addition to natural aging, certain lifestyle factors can also lead to droopy upper eyelids. Things like smoking, excessive drinking, poor diet, and sun exposure can all contribute to eyelid drooping. However, Inland Empire eyelid surgery can improve the look of your eyelids and take years off of your life. Addressing the issue sooner than later can help with correcting the issue and restoring your youthful look.

If you are unhappy with the look of your eyelids and are considering treatment options, contact Dr. Joseph and his team of experts at Infocus Ophthalmic Eye Surgery. Dr. Joseph is a highly experienced and well-known oculofacial plastic surgeon that specializes in cosmetic eyelid surgery and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Contact the team at Infocus Ophthalmic Eye Surgery today for a consultation!